Some cool margarita images:
Kayaking a pretty inlet at Lake Santa Margarita CA at MCAS-CNPS annual picnic
Image by mikebaird
Kayaking a pretty inlet at Lake Santa Margarita CA at MCAS-CNPS annual picnic, or a nine-person group outing led by Jack Beigle 02 May 2010. Snapshots by Michael "Mike" L. Baird, mike [at} mikebaird d o t com,; using a little rugged Canon D10 waterproof camera. To use this photo, which has the most liberal Creative Commons Attribution license possible attached, please see the access, attribution, and commenting guidelines at
Tech note: The center-line of my camera lens was 3 inches above the water to try to get a better effect. Had I thought about it I should have partially submerged the camera, a Canon D10 waterproof toy!
Margarita silvestre
Image by jl.cernadas
Margaritas silvestres
Image by Lumiago